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Filtering by Tag: engagements

Capture Your Proposal

Eunice Tang

Being a wedding photographer has allowed me the opportunity to witness many beautiful and unique wedding proposals. What I love the most about proposals is the chance to really personalize the experience. I’ve seen intimate engagements and I’ve seen grand gestures, and I can tell you that each one warmed my heart. It continues to put my faith in love and capturing those moments with my camera will always be something that I am passionate about!

            This past weekend I had a surprise engagement photography shoot at Vineland Estates and it was very romantic. Between the intimate setting of the wine cellar and the flower petals scattered on the ground in the shape of a heart, the bride-to-be was floored and said yes!

           My wedding videographer and I also recently filmed and photographed an engagement at Niagara Falls (which was another success!). With the help of the groom, we planned out a sneaky scenario where we pretended to be film students at the local college, interviewing tourists about their experiences in the area. It was a blast and I am always willing to go the extra mile to make a special occasion successful! It’s enough just to see the smile on their faces. Needless to say, I love photographing engagements just as much as I love being a wedding photographer.